AS Auto-Service

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Tips to look after your car

With the increase in people working from home, people are using their cars less. Disuse can create problems for your vehicle. With a few checks, you can reduce the risks.

When a car is left standing particularly in cold weather the tyre pressure can drop and flat spots may appear. While many modern cars have fitted tyre pressure monitoring it’s always worth still doing a manual check. Moving your car can help with flat spots. When checking the pressure it’s an opportunity to also check for damage and tyre tread depth. 

Brakes are a part of your car that can deteriorate quickly if not used regularly. Brake discs can rust and corrode which can cause your brakes to seize. It’s recommended to roll your vehicle back and forth just a few metres to keep the discs moving. Rarely using the car can also drain the battery, just a 15 minute run every now and then would be beneficial.